Make yourself at home! We at the Trade and Development Corporation hope you find our site useful and easy to navigate.
This page has a very brief overview of who we are, what we can do for you and who you can contact to help you make the most of your business with us.
About us
The Trade and Development Corporation ensures that the three main needs of a free market,
Clear property rights
Clear conflict-resolution systems
Clear trading systems
are adequately met in the territory assigned to its administration.
We are proud to provide a wide range of services for our stockholders and for all the inhabitants of the Vex. Our Service Centers are a focal point for access to an array of consular, financial, tourism and travel info and, of course, integration into the fastest network of them all: TDNET MultiCon.
TDCorp will periodically update its Web site to enhance the information offered by TDCorp and other corporations in our region. For the latest changes and news in TDCorp territory see the press releases.
Let's talk
Open for business all day, every day, TDCorp is a byword for value creation and retention through good and hard times. The names of Oost-Otago, AroStructure, Landa Mining, MultiCon and other great deals in Vexillian history buttress our reputation as benefactors of great wealth. We guarantee the best business climate, bar none.
This is the greatest experiment in Vexillian history
A totally new, radically different way to organize ourselves and guarantee freedom, opportunity and prosperity for all
We took the principles that made us and applied them to the basic needs of society,
and the results have been delivered even beyond our region.
Each day we strive to be the best in what we do,
and to serve our stockholders and customers in the best manner possible.