TDCorp R&D
Executive summary of WWWW Team 01 explorations
For stockholder and public rediffusion
WWWW Team 01 explorations
The Regina Testament
Exploration and contact
WWWW Team 01 was assigned exploration of the territory immediately north of Welfen Pass after the unexpected flow of non-stockholder arrivals from the up to now unknown territory and the flare-up of papaveromimosis in the northern outskirts of said population center. All members were tested for ASF18 regulation compliance, resulting positive.
Team 01 reported no papaveromimus-related effects upon entering WWWW territory, thus fulfilling their first mission objective. Upon continuing their course north, Team 01 encountered heavy concentrations of dead people, presumably native inhabitants. The presumption was confirmed by genetic analysis and comparison with the alleged WWWWans present in TDCorp territory.
Team 01 finally established contact with live WWWWans approximately 300 km due north from Welfen Pass; this contact was not successful due to catatonic symptoms in the WWWWan contactees. After injection with ASF18 antibody, the 4 live subjects were roused form their catatonic state; 3 presented irrecoverable cerebral damage associated with ASF18 exposure.
The remaining WWWWan was only able to point out the location of the nearest population center before entering what TDCorp R&D psychiatrists later diagnosed as severe religion-induced traumatic shock.
This population center was reported by Team 01 to be a semipermanent settlement inhabited by WWWWan people and by one nonnative who identified himself as the "Mauretanian chargé d’affaires" and as a "Soufi priest".
Following communication with WFP TDC SDIV and confirmation of identity, post and religious ordination, Team 01 interviewed the priest, who provided the following information, which has been verified by subsequent research as entirely trustworthy and correct in all details.
The priest’s report, in brief, traces the development of a gradual weakening in the population’s resistance to P. Suchii, resulting in nonviability of progressively greater numbers of the population. This weakening has been linked upon further research to immunodeficiency resulting from inbreeding among the low number of WWWWan fertile individuals scattered in several noninteracting nomadic bands. A number of these bands have ceased to exist as social units due to the death of the totality of their membership.
The priest solicited Team 01’s help in treating the surviving population, especially given the then-current infirmity of the WWWWans’ leader, Queen Regina, then in residence at the settlement.
Queen Regina was not open to contact in the beginning, and only consented to send intermediaries to entreat Team 01 to leave WWWW territory. However, the continued mortalities and the consequent threat of violation of corporate regulations regarding preservation of human life which was faced by the medical members of Team 01 forced the medical component to begin small-scale application of ASF18 antibody to those WWWWans who would consent, at the instigation of the priest. The rapid recovery of the treated individuals soon inspired increased demand for treatment and a concomitant quasi-religious awe and acclamation of "the doctors", as Team 01 were referred to by the population (Not surprising given the WWWWans’ uncomplicated and religion-centered worldview),
In keeping with aforementioned regulations, WFP TDC R&D after consultation with BOD CHI airlifted 2 mobile vaccination centers and supplies from WFP to the settlement, named Regina for as long as the Queen was in residence.
The last emissary from Queen Regina brought a surprising request: treatment for the Queen herself and her immediate relatives, and divulgation of (quote) "whatever miracle or sorcery was lifting this curse from us" (end quote)
After Team 01’s report, BOD CHI mandated a massive immunization effort centered around Regina and a second phase aimed at locating viable native population centers in the more isolated regions of WWWW, as per corporate regulations Sec. h222 Transmissible and Infective Threats to Stockholders.
Team 01 reported their first meetings with the Queen as positive, given the preceding hostile atmosphere. The Queen acquiesced to treatment and received the standard intravenous dosage.
The Queen and her immediate family were diagnosed with an especially grave form of immunodeficiency, apparently resulting from cultural practices which restricted the available genetic diversity of the WWWW royal bloodline.
This unexpected factor led to varying degrees of reduced effectivity of ASF18 antibody in its original formula. BOD CHI was made aware of the situation. JAL ordered a Code 1 status for new formulas which were successful in restoring normal bodily functions to the Queen and her immediate relatives, but only for a short period of time, due to the widespread systemic damage done by ASF18 on these particular subjects.
It is to be noted that in contrast to the usual course of papaveromimosis, the Regina subjects were gravely compromised in their nervous function throughout the body, with brain damage being the last symptom to appear.
The last meeting with Queen Regina produced a conclusion which totally surprised Team 01 and that surpassed their negotiating powers by several orders of magnitude: Queen Regina announced her last will and testament, ceding WWWW territory to TDCorp in recognition of "the doctors’ miraculous works" and her inability to "fight the curse as well as they had".
Team 01 requested immediate assistance to BOD CHI, which was granted by JAL in person. JAL conducted two meetings with WWWWan representatives, among them the Queen, to receive explanations and assure correct procedure in this most rare situation. The two meetings were conducive to the composition of a written will, which is reproduced below and which was approved by the WWWWan people by acclamation, their accepted standard procedure, upon presentation by JAL and the Queen.
Team 01 was discharged of its responsibilities upon JAL arrival.
The Regina Testament
I, Queen Regina, in the name and by the will of WWWW, hereby set down my last will and testament in which are contained the instructions and actions to be taken in the future by our people.
Those who call themselves TDCorp and who we know as the Doctors have received Our kin in their time of most acute need, and they have come here, braved that curse which we at first thought was a blessing and a Power, the accursed perfume of the Flower;
The Doctors have shared their boon with us, tho’ We treated them as demons, and refused to parley with them; and that without receiving in exchange but Our gratitude, and their people’s regard in following their laws;
We were powerless and stricken with the curse, until the Doctors came; that We knew not that the Flower had turned on us and was our enemy, until the Doctors conquered her and made her tell her secrets;
That We have seen that the Doctors and indeed all those who call themselves TDCorp posess the gift of conquering the Flower, and that Our most ancient beliefs signal those of pure heart as the only ones able to defeat the Power;
Thus this Truth has been seen by the Elders of WWWW; that upon the shoulders of Doctors the fate of the people now rests;
Therefore the Elders of WWWW, and We Who the curse has turned into a dying shadow of Our selves, will form now on and forever trust the fate of our lands and our people to those Doctors and the people who in Our hour of direst misfortune turned their Power of making miracles against the curse and saved us from annihilation.
That the People of WWWW assembled in Regina affirmed this Testament as the expression of their will.
Given in the settlement of Regina, WWWW, on the first day of July, 1999
Witness for TDCorp
Juan A. López
Chairman of the Board
The Regina Incident
It all began with a routine border sweep...
and ended up creating the legend of the Doctors